About Me

My name is Emma, and I’m a creative writer and graphic designer based in the United Kingdom. I have been writing creatively for most of my life, and I especially take pride in my character creation and development skills.I write because I enjoy stepping out of my own life for a little while and seeing a different world through the eyes of someone else; I love to explore a character’s motivations and opinions and shape their experience of their world to better understand my own. I love the idea that something I produced has the ability to fuel imagination, inspiration and excitement in others. I wholly believe in the power of great storytelling and constantly aspire to share it with others through my own creativity.

TTRPG & Creative Writing

I am an avid TTRPG player and play-by-post GM and spend much of my spare time involved with the TTRPG community, whether it be via social media or through discord groups. You can find me on Twitter at @gothHoblin. I am usually involved in a large number of games at once, and I have produced a range of games and supplements, all of which are available on itch.io and DriveThruRPG.I have spent many years writing creatively for my own personal interest, including as part of collaborative RP forums which require proactive work and discussion between multiple writers. As an administrator of these forums, I have a lot of experience with character creation and development, proofreading and editing others, as well as worldbuilding and the creation of faction groups, character types/classes, etc.In 2022 I was selected to write for the Tome of Pacts Zine, imagining new types of warlock patrons and those who deal with them. In 2023 I was selected to write for the follow up Book of Devotion (currently in development), this time concerning deities and the clerics and paladins who serve them. These projects involve collaborating with multiple artists to collectively envision and bring to life these characters from concept through to finished stages.In 2022 I also conducted a series of interviews with various members of the indie TTRPG community and published them on my blog, striving to highlight smaller creators as well as larger ones. Read the archived interviews while my main site is under construction.In 2023 I was a finalist for a CRIT Award under the category "Best blog, or article written in the TTRPG space" for my article "Tips for Pitching to Writers (and other creatives too)" (Archived version).In 2023 I founded gothHoblin's Grimoire, a free community zine that brings together content from indie creators under a common theme. Our first issue, "Gothic", was released in October 2023 and we followed up with a bumper issue on "Ancient Magic" for the holidays. After a slight restructure drawing on the experience of the first two issues, Issue 3, "Folk Horror" is now underway and due to be published in October 2024.For more information on individual projects I have written or designed for, please check out my work.

My Work

Please find the current projects I'm working on below, as well as my published titles with links to both itch.io and DriveThruRPG where they are available for purchase or download.

Current Projects:

Commercial Projects:

Book of Devotion - Writing

Community Projects:

gothHoblin's Grimoire, Issue 3, "Folk Horror" - Writing, Graphic Design

Personal Projects:

Somnia - Solo TTRPG - Writing, Game Design, Graphic Design
The Belles of Bone Gulch - MÖRK BORG hack - Writing, Game Design, Graphic Design

Fresh Blood

Fresh Blood is a solo roleplaying game that uses the Firelights system by Fari RPGs.Play as a young vampire in a dangerous new city, searching for the magic to cure your maker. An ancient ritual is the only way to save them, but you will need to find the components and enlist the help of others in order to gather everything required.

gothHoblin's Grimoire, Issue 2
"Ancient Magic"

Issue 2 is focused on the theme of ‘Ancient Magic’, and within this bumper issue you will find articles to help you introduce these concepts into your games, TTRPG shout outs, world building ideas and more. You will also find a range of system agnostic supplements, including rolling tables and magic items for you to use in your own games throughout the year.

gothHoblin's Grimoire, Issue 1

Issue 1 is focused on the theme of ‘Gothic’, and is a massive 78 pages! Within this issue you will find articles, interviews, reviews and coverage of crowdfunding projects, as well as a range of system agnostic supplements, including rolling tables and magic items for you to use at your own tables throughout the horror season and beyond.

Creation Myths

Creation Myths is a solo journeying game based on the hero's journey/monomyth narrative template.It is designed to help you dive deeper into character creation through the development of a backstory adventure via dice and prompts, and to provide you with new things to think about. It can also work as a way to redevelop existing characters and generate fresh ideas.

The Haunting of Myrtle Cottage

Venture into the strangely pristine Myrtle Cottage, where retirees June and Reginald Myrtle once made a warm, happy home. That was decades ago, however, and recent reports indicate that something strange is going on in the couple’s sweet abode.The Haunting of Myrtle Cottage is a 5E compatible adventure aimed at a group of Level 2 players, though can easily be adjusted for higher levels and slides well into a larger campaign.

Space Taxi

Space Taxi is a fun, chaotic Tabletop RPG for 1-4 players and a GM, where players are all passengers of the same taxi taking them on a journey through outer space! Each character type has their own goal to complete before the trip is over, and will encounter all kinds of things along the way. But watch out for the Space Cats – these adorable little fluffballs can be as mischeivous as they are cute!

Trash Pals

Trash Pals is a light-hearted tabletop RPG where players work together as a group of animal friends looking for the best trash haul of their lives! Play as a raccoon, an opossum, a stray cat or an urban fox as you sniff out only the best half-empty takeout containers and cheese wrappers that humans can throw away, and work together to mitigate barriers between you and your ultimate haul. You only have one night!

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